신임 주루마니아대사에 임갑수 현 평화외교기획단장
신임 주루마니아대사에 임갑수 현 평화외교기획단장 임명
2022년 2월28일 발표
▮ 성명 : 임갑수 (林甲守)
▮ 생년월일 : 1969. 5. 9.
▮ 학력
1996. 2. 서울대 정치학과 졸
2000. 7. 영국 런던정경대 국제정치학 석사
▮ 주요경력
1996. 3. 외무부 입부 (95.4. 제29회 외무고시)
2002.12. 주오스트리아1등서기관
2005.12. 주요르단참사관
2009.12. 주유엔참사관
2013.10. 유엔과장
2014.12. 주예멘참사관
2016.12. 국제원자력기구 (IAEA) 비확산전문관
2018.11. 국가안보실 (외교정책비서관실) 파견
2019. 3. 국가안보실 (평화기획비서관실) 파견
2020.12. 평화외교기획단장
2022. 2. 주루마니아대사
▮ 서훈
2015. 1. 근정포장
NAME : Rim Kap-soo
DATE OF BIRTH : May 9, 1969
Feb. 1996 B.A. in Political Science, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea
Jul. 2000 M.Sc. in International Relations, London School of Economics and Political Science, London, U.K.
Apr. 1995 Passed High Diplomatic Service Examination
Mar. 1996 Joined the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA)
Dec. 2002 First Secretary, Korean Embassy in the Republic of Austria and
Korean Permanent Mission to the International Organizations in Vienna
Dec. 2005 Counsellor, Korean Embassy in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
Dec. 2009 Counsellor, Korean Permanent Mission to the United Nations in
New York, U.S.A.
Oct. 2013 Director, United Nations Division, International Organizations Bureau, MOFA
Dec. 2014 Counsellor, Korean Embassy in the Republic of Yemen
Dec. 2016 Senior Nonproliferation Expert, International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Vienna, Austria
Nov. 2018 Senior Assistant Secretary, Office of National Security (Foreign Policy)
Mar. 2019 Senior Assistant Secretary, Office of National Security (Peace Planning)
Dec. 2020 Director-General for Korean Peninsula Peace Regime, Office of Korean Peninsula Peace and Security Affairs, MOFA
Feb. 2022 Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to Romania
Jan. 2015 Service Merit Medal
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